Along with Import Model (below), it is one of two ways to create a model understood by mmd_tools to be an MMD-style model. This creates the heirarchy structure necessary to the successful export of an MMD-style model, as well as the root bone MMD requires. When a joint or rigid body is selected, additional subsections will open in the Object tab of the Properties window.
How to install mme mmd driver#
On installation, MMD tabs will become available from the Tool panel, MMD Display/ MMD Shading/ MMD SDEF Driver subsections will appear on the Properties shelf, MMD Material and MMD Texture subsections will open for the Materials section of the Properties window, and a MMD Model Information subsection will open for the Object section of the Properties window. (see 3rd Party Add-ons & Add-on Directory)
How to install mme mmd zip file#
Extract & Copy the mmd_tools folder contained inside the zip file to Blender's addon path instead.

To install MMD Tools to Blender 2.78, copy the " mmd_tools" folder, contained inside the blender_mmd_tools folder, to \2.78\scripts\addons, then enable MMD Tools in Blender from the Add-ons tab of the User Preferences dialog. As it is under ongoing development as of writing (8 November 2016), it is recommended that you download the dev_branch of mmd_tools, available at. MMD Tools is a blender addon for importing and exporting model or motion data related to MikuMikuDance.