How to apply shaded style set in word 2013
How to apply shaded style set in word 2013

how to apply shaded style set in word 2013 how to apply shaded style set in word 2013

Configure the Allow properties A snippet for a RichHtmlField has 28 available properties that start with Allow, and you can use these properties to make specific commands or groups of commands on the ribbon unavailable to content authors.You can configure the PrefixStyleSheet property for this snippet so that your own custom styles appear on the ribbon for content authors to use. Create a custom style sheet By default, the styles available on the ribbon of a RichHtmlField come from a style sheet named HtmlEditorStyles.css.You can control a RichHtmlField in two ways: This field type is useful when you want to give content authors the freedom to add and style content within parameters that you can control. By default, in a rich HTML field, content authors use the ribbon to format and apply styles to content, and to insert tables, media such as images and video, and web parts. RichHtmlField The rich HTML field control (also known as a Publishing HTML field) is one of the most powerful and frequently used controls in page layouts.As a designer, you can apply styles to all of these page fields in the same way, by applying styles to the page field directly on the page layout. A page field can be of many types, such as a Single Line of Text (TextField) or Multiple Lines of Text (NoteField). Field types other than RichHtmlField The page fields that make up a page layout conform to the content type for that page layout.When you apply styles to page fields, there are two basic categories of field types to consider: This helps to ensure that your branding remains consistent through all pages in the site. When content authors create pages from a browser, they can't move page fields on the page or override the styles that you specify. Introduction to applying styles to page fieldsĪs a designer, you have ultimate control over the positioning and styling of page fields on a page layout and on any pages created from that page layout. Also, you have further options to control how content in a RichHtmlField page field is styled. In a page layout, you can apply styles to a page field, and those styles are applied to any content added by content authors when they create a page from that page layout.

How to apply shaded style set in word 2013